I don’t know everyone’s personal battles nor do I know all that you’ve gone through, but one thing is for certain...the storms of life show no partiality. Eventually, we all get a taste of it…yes, even followers of Jesus Christ, who also went through storms. Now if God’s only begotten son experienced raging storms, don’t you think we will too?
The truth is that either we are currently in the midst of a storm…we just got out of one…or we’re on our way into one. Keep on living and you will see. Ask Job, who was the most upright man in the Bible, and he will tell you that no matter how much you love God, those storms will come. Isaiah 54:17 says, No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Did God promise there’d be no trials or weapons? No, but He said none will prosper. None will destroy you. So understand that We all will go through something.
How we weather our storms determines the outcome and the level of our next blessing. Job went through hell and high waters and his own wife told him to curse God and die, but he didn’t. When you are faced with hardships, it should keep you on your knees a little longer. You see, praise will confuse the enemy. You can’t just throw in the towel and give up. No, because sometimes it gets ugly before it gets pretty. Sometimes when you go through a terrible storm, your breakthrough is just around the corner, but God wants to know…Can I trust you with this before I give it to you? How are you going to handle more if you can’t even handle a little storm; a thunderstorm? Bc we all know that to whom much is given much is required.
I could go on longer but I can’t due to time. I just want to say that whatever you are going through, it’s not too big for the Lord. I don’t care how big your storm is, GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU than he who is in the world. So as you prepare for a better week, take an index card or a post-it and jot that scripture down. 1 John 4:4. And say it out loud whenever the enemy tries to come against you, because God’s is powerful. It’s a weapon needed daily.
Alright, I’m done! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a blessed week! 🥰🤓✨🙏🏽