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What I'm about to say I know some of you may not agree with but I need to say this: We have to be very careful what we watch and what we allow our children to watch, because Satan is after them and he’s using these *woke* movies to try to lead them astray.

As a child, this time of year was my favorite. I couldn't imagine these type of movies being released at all-let alone right before the holiday that we celebrate Jesus' birth. This movie called Dear Santa is about a little boy who accidentally spells Satan instead of Santa, thus inviting a demonic spirit that pretends to be Satan. In the movie, I read where he is tempted with three wishes but he'll have to sell his soul to Satan.

In the movie Wicked, is focused on Glinda and Elphaba. It's basically the untold story of the witches in The Wizard of Oz. I've read some really positive things about the strong plot and Elphaba's personal struggles, the discrimination, social injustice, etc.

BUT…something just does not sit right with me about this movie that seems to pull on the viewers’ heartstrings so much that even those who say they oppose homosexuality, overlook the obvious depiction of it in this movie- starting with the majority of the cast (off stage/real life). So there’s a spirit of homosexuality and perversion.

ALSO…They try to fool many with Good vs evil. I’ve heard that Elphaba really wasn’t wicked. The cruel world made her that way. The good thing is that many people- especially females can find Elphaba relatable. The danger is this movie teaches the bitter, ridiculed, abused, and oppressed to seek the power of witchcraft- not God. So there’s also a spirit of rebellion.

The church needs to wake up and stop being lukewarm. How can we say we love God but we embrace ungodliness? The devil has an agenda and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. This is why discernment is so very necessary. He wants you and me but he REALLY wants our youth- our children. Did you not see or hear about the Wicked toy collection that had a porn website displayed on the toy boxes? Then they tried to say it was a mistake. Really? Nah, that was intentionally WICKED.

When you have movies that go out of the way to depict Satan and witchcraft as good and harmless,
that should let you know how desperate he is- especially in these last days. According to John 10:10, he is the thief who comes to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY. He doesn’t care about your growth in Christ. He knows that will decrease if he can lure you and get you to follow him and this new age spirituality crap. The devil wants our souls. The Bible tells us to give NO place to the devil. This means we cannot leave any door open to him. We can’t be around just anybody, we can’t allow ourselves to be entertained by everything, and we can’t go everywhere. We must protect our spirit.

Most of us can’t stand a part-time lover so why are we treating our Lord and Savior like one? We can’t just be hearers. God calls us to be both hearers and doers of His word. We must come to a point in our walk with Him, where we don’t care if besties, children, family, co-workers, significant other, spouse, kids, people on social media, strangers etc disagree or don’t like what we say. We must come to a point where we surrender and live for Jesus and NOT for culture.

I never thought I’d ever be the one to put it out there, but I do as I’m told when it comes to God. I used to only think about satisfying man and my flesh, but even then I always was *different* tried to follow the crowd until I realized that never really made me happy. I always started fashion trends and did my own thing despite what judgmental, modern day Pharisee-like people had to say about my style, because I knew that on the inside my God was convicting me, purging me, calling me, molding me, and preparing me. Yes, me with all the dirt I’ve done. He saved me, and I refuse to half-step with my savior. I realize that in these last days He needs us who say we love Him to be on fire for Him- to love and to tell others about Him.

None of us are perfect and we’ll never will be. We will fall sometimes, but please make sure you’re not falling into occult practices because Satan is using Hollywood to normalize living for him and engaging in witchcraft. Just in case you didn’t know, MORE people are now practicing witchcraft…and these modern day witches don’t all have crooked noses, pointed black hats, black cloaks and they’re not out riding on broomsticks either. Hollywood tries to normalize wickedness, but contrary to popular belief: there is no such thing as a *good* witch- no matter how broken the individual is and no matter how many *good* spells or deeds they do in the name of good vs evil. It’s ALL evil in God’s eyesight, and it’s never okay to cast spells, use tarot cards, crystal balls, oiujii boards etc.

What does the Bible tell us about witchcraft?

Leviticus 19:31: Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 20:6: will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

Revelations 21:8: But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Galations 5:19-21: The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions
and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Kingdom people are unique in how we handle opposition. We are to seek the Holy Spirit- not demonic spirits. We rely on the power of God. These movies are teaching people to find refuge in witches and principalities as the remedy to the issues of life. Hollywood is also brainwashing people into thinking it’s no big deal and that those like me who speak against these things are overreacting or being too uptight. Psalm 19:14 says: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord my strength and my redeemer. In Matthew 16:26, the Bible also says: What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

So, the question is: Are you willing to compromise your convictions for the sake of being entertained?
It is time to pick a side. Like that old Lil Jon song asked…WHO U WIT??!! That is the question. Because God wants us to be obedient, full-time lovers of Him and His word. 
©️2024 Epiphany Z. Crush


  • Powerful truth! This is a confirmation of a recent Bible Study class that I presented.

    Curtis Baugh
  • This is so true, and is confirmation of a recent Bible Study teaching that I presented. Powerful truth!

    Curtis Baugh

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